for Improving Refrigerator Efficiency

The refrigerator is the most efficient appliance in your home, so it will be good for your wallet and the environment if you try to save energy. Here are nine must-follow tips for improving refrigerator efficiency.

Follow these tips, and your fridge will run more efficiently.

1. Replace the Rubber Seal on the Door

While this critical plastic liner is essential to keeping your device running smoothly, it can sometimes be easily overlooked. It is also known as a gasket; this gasket protects your refrigerator from unwanted hot air. Gaskets wear out and lose some of their suction power which is very common when the door is opened and closed continuously. While your refrigerator can function efficiently for many years, chances are your gasket could become weak or torn after just a few years of use.

2. Protect your Refrigerator from High Heat Sources

To keep your food fresh at the ideal temperature, the compressor switches to high gear near heat sources. Not only will this make your refrigerator work harder, but it also wastes energy quickly and can even shorten the life of your appliance. When designing a kitchen, try to keep the refrigerator away from the oven, dishwasher, or any other appliance that can ignore high heat. It is also advisable to keep it away from direct sunlight to prevent it from being overactive.

3. Tidy up Your Condenser Coils

If condenser coils are running twice as hard as expected, it will result in more power consumption and can potentially lead to issues with your equipment down the line. To make sure your coils are appropriately cleaned, invest in an inexpensive bristle brush to remove any grime built up over the years quickly. You don’t need to clean the coils as often, just enough to prevent buildup from affecting device performance.

4. Cool off your Leftovers

Before putting food in the refrigerator, you should also store the food properly in protective packaging or Tupperware, as this prevents excess heat from escaping into your device. By allowing time for leftovers to cool after a meal, you can reduce the extra heat added to the inside of the device. Just be careful not to let the food cool for too long as it will spoil.

5. Keep the Door Close

As cold air escapes from your appliance, more energy is required to restore it to the desired temperature. If possible, determine what you want before you open the refrigerator or freezer door. This is the most obvious and cheapest way to reduce energy consumption. Standing in front of an open refrigerator can have a significant impact on your energy bill.

6. Organize your Refrigerator and Remove Clutter

It would help if you also considered reducing the number of items on the top shelf of the refrigerator, especially large bread, food boxes, or silverware. This is the primary location in the fridge and should be used to store commonly used items. The easier to catch, the faster the door closes.

When your items are easy to find in the refrigerator, you can reduce the time it takes to open the refrigerator door to track food and ultimately reduce the energy you use.

7. Check the Temperature Inside

For your equipment to provide the best efficiency for your family, please set the refrigerator temperature between 36-38°F and the freezer temperature between 0-5°F. If your device cannot provide accurate degree readings, it is usually effective to set your device to the midpoint temperature dial.

8. Reduce your frost accumulation

Start the power-saving switch While not all refrigerators are equipped with this feature. Many modern appliances now come with compact wall-mounted radiators to prevent moisture from condensing on exterior surfaces. Unless you have a noticeable amount of steam on your device, you can turn on the energy saver or the energy saver switch to quickly turn off the feature.

9. Reduce your frost buildup

Monitor the actual temperature inside your fridge. Depending on your refrigerator, it may require manual defrosting. Buildup can create up on the coils inside your refrigerator, forcing your appliances to work overtime. If you don’t regularly defrost your refrigerator and freezer, it may be more difficult for the appliance to maintain a cooler temperature.